
growing up safe

Our certified buying staff keeps safety at the forefront. Our products are held to the highest national and state safety standards. We put great effort into keeping up with product recalls and the most up to date safety information from sources such as the US Consumer Product Safety Commission and others to ensure we're only buying and selling high-quality items that meet national safety standards and regulations. 

We regularly monitor the following sources for product safety and recall information. 

• Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
• Children’s Safety Network
• Safe Kids Worldwide
  • shop with us

    Shop with us in store Monday-Saturday 10-8 and Sunday 12-5. Don't live in town? We've got you covered! Shop online to see our curated collection of top brands and staff favorite styles. Tune into our kc grow co Facebook page most Monday nights at 7:00 pm CST to live shop the store with Megan!

    shop online 
  • rewards

    Enroll in kc grow co rewards today and start earning redeemable points for cash-back rewards on every in-store and online purchase you make! We'll give you $5 when you join!

    enroll today 
  • sell to us

    Clean out those closets! We're always looking for current style, gently used clothing and shoes (all seasons, all the time) accessories, indoor and outdoor toys, baby gear, equipment and more. Our "drop and go" buy center is open Monday through Saturday from 10-3!

    more details 
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